Sunday, March 9, 2025

If you are using youtube for your business marketing then you need a huge number of comments on your video. As comments are playing a very important role in youtube. Youtube also counts comments of the videos and gives ranking according to that.

When it comes to social media marketing whether it’s facebook or instagram or youtube you really need huge comments on your post while doing marketing. Because it gives a boost to your post and also helps to gain more attraction from users.

Huge number of comments on your videos will get more viewers and will get more promoted by youtube’s algorithm.

So, now the question arises: how to get a huge number of comments on your youtube videos?

8 Tricks to get more comments on youtube videos

  • 1 – Reply to all comments: The first technique you must use is to reply to all the comments who commented on your video. As this is the best and simplest way to get more comments on your videos. When you comment back you keep users engaged on your videos. So always comment back and comment back in a friendly tone. Don’t use too formal a way of commenting otherwise you may lose to get more comments on youtube videos.
  • 2 – Comment on other youtuber’s channels: The next technique you can use is to Look for other YouTubers in your field. A smart or entertaining comment on their videos are always welcome. This will help you get attention, and it will also inspire other YouTubers to do the same and leave a comment on your video.
  • 3 – Replicate your best performing content: Figure out which content is best performing on youtube and for what it is performing. Maybe your video performs well by having good video length, entertaining content, video posting time, etc. It can be anything you have to find out and must follow the same thing with your next video.

This is a very technical technique to follow because you have to analyze what is working for your videos to perform well. Once you find it, it will get easier for you to get more comments on all your youtube videos.

  • 4 – End videos with Questions: To get more comments on your videos you can try this technique of asking questions at your end of video and ask them to answer it in the comment section. By this you will get a number of comments from your viewers.

Don’t hesitate to ask questions at the end of the video. Asking questions you may get funny comments in the form of answers by this your community users may get engaged more on reading those funny comments.

If you don’t know what type of question you should ask then simply asking typical types of questions to regular subscribers like what kinds of videos they’d want to see in the future is nearly always a certain way to capture their attention. YouTube stars often use this strategy.

  • 5 – Buy YouTube Comments: Buying comments on YouTube is a popular trend these days. People buy YouTube comments to get also get more likes and views on their videos. And the best part about it is that you don’t have to do anything, just sit back and let the comments come in!

If you are looking for a quick way to get more comments, then buying YouTube comments might be the right option for you, and if you are wondering what it costs to get YouTube comments, then the cost for a single comment ranges from 0.1$ to 2$ depending on the providers.

This might sound expensive for most, but it is a small investment that will pay off quickly and you will be able to see the results of your efforts, especially if you buy with legit websites who give you real comments, at a fair price too.

There are many benefits associated with buying YouTube comments. Here are some of the reasons why you should consider buying them: Firstly, it is quick and easy to implement.
And secondly, there is no long process to create good comments and once you have completed the process, your video will be generating a lot more views than before. This means that your investment will pay off.

  • 6 – Conduct Giveaways: If you have a good product that you are promoting on your videos then you can giveaways to your subscribers or viewers on some challenge like comment and promote videos to at least 20-30 people and giveaway 1 or 2 products. This is the best way to get more views and more comments too on your videos.

This technique will take some more effort but if you use this technique you will get more attention on your channel. Most of the Electronics niches youtubers use this techniques for their users to get attention on there channel.

  • 7 – Do Q&A session exclusively to answer comments: You can conduct a Question and Answer session exclusively so that you can answer your audience questions in detail. By this you can attract your audience engagement on your channel. This technique is not that much effective but if you conduct this Q&A live session with some good activity then your subscribers may feel more familiar with you.
  • 8 – Conduct Live Sessions: To get more comments on your videos you can try live video sessions where your subscribers can interact with you on live comments. This session will also boost your videos ranking on youtube search results.

Youtube comments are very valuable when it comes to marketing. In addition, they provide you with an opportunity to stimulate debate and connect with your target audience on a new platform, demonstrating to site visitors right once that your material is worthwhile. It’s important to take use of these advantages after you’ve gained them.



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